Wednesday 17 August 2011

Writting A New Fantasy Book. Mark Parry.

I am now writting a book about all the fantasy stuff, inside my dark head.  It won't be finnished for a long time yet.  But I already have the title, and the first and second parts of the book, already written in computer text.  It will be based on fantasy/Goth/Mythology/Imagination/Dreams/Life Experiences.  It will also feature my own slants on symbolism.  I'm not too sure if the book will ever see the light of release.  That remains a dark mystery in itself.  I will keep you all posted on its progressions.

Sunday 27 February 2011

I Am A Dark Secret Unknown.

Aspies usually do this all the time.  They put their hands up, but not to surrender to neurotypicals.

Friday 25 February 2011

Funny People With Asperger's Syndrome.

Often enough, people that have Asperger's syndrome can be very funny.  I should know that.  Aspies will usually make up jokes themselves.  Even though most neurotypical people don't understand our jokes.  remember, we are compleatly different to neurotypicals.

I want to try to explain something very deep, about the Asperger-mind, and how it works.  This morning I managed to get back onto Facebook.  Wow, what a relief that was.  Instead of typing in all my essential information about myself.  I reverted to the ancient Aspie-ways.  In one section I typed in, Nasty Fairground Speakers.  This is an Aspie statement that I keep close to my heart.  It's not funny to other people, but it is to me. 

In another section I typed in, Super Chunky Fairground Speakers.  Again, this isn't funny to most neurotypicals.  But it's very very funny to me.  I see Fairground Speakers as way too loud.  This doesn't make me very easy at Fun Fairs.  Noise is a very big issue with Aspies.  I can jump a mile, whenever I hear a ton of glass smashing.  This can also happen whenever I hear loud unexpected sounds.

I prefer natural low sounds.  I can cope with my cd player being on at level 3 or 4.  But it starts to irritate me beyond those levels.  It's the same with babies crying.  I cannot cope with noisy babies, whatsoever.  Often enough, I will leave a place.  Especially if babies are screaming.  It does my head-in.  I have always believed that neurotypical people are way too loud.  They shout and bawl in the streets. 

Aspies love quiet surroundings.  I love going deep into the countryside, and getting close to Nature.  I haven't done this for a long time, because of the miserable weather.  But now that it's getting much warmer, I will be going to better places.  I may even go to places I've never been to before.  And recently I got talking to Foreign girls.  That's a massive improvement on my life.  I want to meet people that I feel comfortable with.  Not those nonsensical idiots I used to be in school with.  I do-so hate certain parts of my older past times.  Yet again, there are also some nice areas of the past too.

Thursday 24 February 2011


Conjour up your headstorms.
Look behind mirrors.
Answers are everywhere.
By pale blue moonlight.
Broken shadows of fragility.
Better worlds beyond.
Through narrow gates in space.

When you die a lot.
You can then live a little more.
When you've cut your spirit.
You find euphorian states.
On islands of sorrow.

The light has faded.
Blackness is our destiny.
Schizo-gazing at the moon.
Anxious emotions are screaming.
Like ghosts beneath the bed.

Tuesday 2 November 2010



I love my isolation tank.
I'm so used 2 it now.
Don't burst my bubble-wrap.
This is a sphere of cold ice.
With a nice warmth of winter inside.

Don't you understand what I mean?
I don't want 2 come outside today.
When I am sheltered and alone.
I always make this my comfort-zone.
Wrapped around me is my duvet.

I love inside my little silent world.
Nothing is allowed 2 trespass here.
I don't want 2 face the crowds today.
That is why I like 2 hideaway.
Cosy in my little bubble-wrap world.

MEOUTCAST 2/11/2010

Friday 29 October 2010



Young Kirsty lives inside a box.
With a shell made of isolation.
She doesn't understand the future.
And doesn't remember the past.

Kirsty loves the silence of outside.
She is only eleven years old.
Waits for the rain to return again.
Her heart heavy with misery.

Pops her head out of a window.
Kirsty is looking for a friend.
But she'll never find one here.
Not in this town too small and danky.

Gets on a bus away from the fuss.
Finds a shelter to hide from the day.
Kirsty is looking for a better way.
But inside she finds it so dark.

No-one lives where Kirsty hides.
Society calls her a freak.
She has always been a unique geek.
Suffering from Tortoise Syndrome.